BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Grace Advisory Group - ECPv4.6.19//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Grace Advisory Group X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Grace Advisory Group BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC-5:20180823T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC-5:20180823T180000 DTSTAMP:20180819T204019 CREATED:20161222T153419Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180628T190433Z SUMMARY:PUNTA GORDA: Has Your Retirement Plan Changed to Meet the Times? DESCRIPTION:\nNo One Makes Mistakes on Purpose!\nRegister today to learn more about these topics: \n1. “The Washington D.C. Effect” – How will the political environment and legislation changes affect your retirement?\n2. Taxes and the IRS – How much of my retirement accounts are really mine to keep?\n3. Protect Your Money – How do I find growth and security without risk in today’s volatile market?\n4. Can I prevent outliving my money and create a predictable income stream for life?\n5. Can capital gains taxes be voluntary?\n6. Does the IRS give me a tax deduction today for a charitable gift that I don’t make until after I and my spouse pass away?\n7. How can I convert 30% of my IRA to a Roth IRA and end up with a higher account balance\, even after paying the tax on the conversion?\n8. What do I need to do to protect myself from lawsuits\, liens and judgments?\n9. Why could getting a second opinion be the most important financial decision of my life?\nIt is no secret that those who educate themselves will be best prepared for a comfortable retirement and even grow their portfolios in spite of the ups and downs of the marketplace. If you have $250\,000 or more in retirement savings – don’t miss this opportunity to learn about these powerful retirement income planning strategies. \nSeating is limited at this event and registrations will be taken on a first-call basis. This event is designed to provide financial education for individuals ages 50 through 75 with retirement savings of more than $250\,000\, who are currently in retirement or nearing retirement. Preferential seating for first-time attendees. \nPlease use our form to register. Confirmed registrations required. Please arrive 30 minutes before the start of this event. \n URL: LOCATION:150 Laishley Court\, Punta Gorda\, FL\, 33950\, United States CATEGORIES:Educational Events,Port Charlotte,Punta Gorda END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR