Failure to plan is a plan for failure. Surely, you have thought of some of these questions: Who will manage my estate? What happens if I become incapacitated? How can I avoid the costly probate courts? How can I protect my loved ones from creditors, in-laws, and the government?
NOW, it’s your chance to take action to create or update your estate plan! Join us for a hands-on workshop to get your final affairs in order.
Attorney Greg Nussbickel from The Nussbickel Law Firm, P.A.will walk you through the nuts and bolts of these important documents:
Powers of Attorney
Healthcare Surrogates
Pre-Need Guardians
Living Wills
By the end of our workshop, you’ll have answers to all these questions along with a workable estate planning roadmap.
Join us for our Estate Planning Workshop and receive these special prices for our clients and friends:
$450 for a complete Will package for an individual, or $575 for a married couple (up to a $750 value).*
*Trusts and complex planning extra. Offers valid until 9/30/2018
Take control of your family's future today!
Please register early, since space is limited at these workshops!